How to Handle Interview Rejections

How to Handle Interview Rejections

Lots of interviewees will most certainly experience rejection after numerous job interviews. Negative feedback from interviewers may be handled differently by a variety of job seekers. Most negative feedback from interviews if not responded appropriately may lower your self-esteem, morale and confidence. Managing interview feedback appropriately will prepare the individuals to improve themselves and prepare for future interviews and keep your confidence high.

Pick Yourself Up

It’s vitally important to take a little time out after the interview to reflect on the possible scenarios that may have taken place during the interview. You should also reflect on how convincing you were during the interview, think of the answers you gave, asses how you used your body language, voice tonality and how you bonded with the interviewer. You should also reflect on the personal competency answer examples you provided during the interview, check if the examples you provided were sufficient to convince the interviewers. Reflection helps you to come to terms with the negative feedback as well as advice on how to improve on specific pointers when faced with another interview in the future.

Ask for Feedback from the Employer

Sending an email to the interviewers is also a positive way of handling negative feedback. The email should contain a thank you message, thanking the interviewers for the opportunity. In the email, you should ask for possible future considerations to enable you to improve your skills as well as open new avenues for you. You should also enquire about new opportunities. in the email it is vital to ask for specific pointers to help you improve on critical areas of the interview; particular areas to develop. This will occur during the next interview. It is important to request for good advice from the interviewer as well as receive helpful information for self-improvement.

Thank the interviewer for all their feedback as well as their citations on your strengths, and this is done after the interviewer has replied to your previous email.

Personal Reflection

You should evaluate themselves with all the information at hand to see where you need to improve and where your strengths and weaknesses lie. This will further help you to confidently prepare yourself adequately for your next interview.

Negative feedback can be a setback as well as a catapult to improvement, depending on how you take it. Perspective is everything,  the interviewee can gauge their strengths by coming up with personal examples that can convince the interviewer on why you are the best choice of a candidate.

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