Investment Banking Analyst CV Example

Securing a coveted position as an Investment Banking Analyst demands more than just qualifications and experience; it requires a meticulously crafted CV that stands out from the competition. Your CV is your first impression, your professional story told in a few succinct pages. This guide will walk you through creating a standout Investment Banking Analyst CV, highlighting critical sections such as your personal profile, key skills, work history, achievements, qualifications, education, and hobbies. We’ll also provide general CV writing advice and underscore the benefits of enlisting expert CV writers to polish your application.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting an Investment Banking Analyst CV

1. Personal Profile

Your personal profile or professional summary is the hook of your CV. It’s where you briefly introduce yourself and outline what makes you a strong candidate for the role.

Tips for crafting a compelling personal profile:

Be concise: Limit this section to 4-5 sentences.

Highlight your unique selling points: Mention key strengths, such as analytical skills, financial modeling, and experience with M&A or IPOs.

Tailor to the job: Align your profile with the specific requirements of the investment banking role you’re targeting.

Include quantifiable achievements: Mention significant accomplishments, such as “Managed a $50M portfolio, achieving a 20% return over 12 months.”

Example: “Results-driven Investment Banking Analyst with over three years of experience in financial analysis and transaction advisory. Adept at constructing comprehensive financial models and executing complex M&A transactions. Demonstrated success in managing multimillion-dollar portfolios and driving growth through strategic insights. Excited to leverage expertise to contribute to the growth of [Company Name].”

2. Key Skills

Investment banking demands a blend of technical acumen and interpersonal finesse. Your skills section should reflect a balance of these capabilities.

Essential skills for Investment Banking Analysts:

Financial Analysis: Proficiency in analyzing financial statements and valuation.

Modeling Expertise: Advanced skills in Excel and financial modeling tools.

Attention to Detail: Precision in handling complex data and transactions.

Communication: Strong ability to convey complex financial information clearly.

Team Collaboration: Experience working in high-pressure, team-based environments.

Industry Knowledge: Understanding of market trends, regulations, and investment strategies.


Expert in financial modeling and valuation techniques (DCF, LBO, M&A).

Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex financial data.

Proficient in MS Excel, Bloomberg Terminal, and financial software (e.g., FactSet, Capital IQ).

Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Proven track record of managing client relationships and delivering presentations.

Comprehensive knowledge of financial markets, instruments, and regulations.

3. Chronological Work History

Detailing your work history in reverse chronological order is essential. Focus on achievements and responsibilities that align with investment banking.

Tips for an impactful work history section:

Highlight achievements: Use bullet points to detail your key accomplishments.

Quantify results: Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to showcase the impact.

Be relevant: Prioritize responsibilities and achievements that are most relevant to the role.


Investment Banking Analyst, [Company Name], [Location]
June 2020 – Present

Conducted comprehensive financial analysis and modeling for M&A transactions and capital raising activities.

Played a pivotal role in closing a $100M cross-border acquisition, managing due diligence and financial structuring.

Collaborated with senior analysts and associates to prepare pitch books and client presentations.

Led the financial modeling and valuation for IPOs and secondary offerings, contributing to successful equity raises exceeding $200M.

4. Key Achievements

This section allows you to highlight standout moments in your career that don’t necessarily fit within a specific job title.

How to showcase key achievements:

Focus on high-impact accomplishments: Include significant deals, awards, or recognitions.

Quantify your impact: Use numbers to demonstrate the scale of your achievements.

Keep it relevant: Ensure achievements align with the skills and experiences sought by investment banking employers.


Led the valuation and financial modeling for a $250M IPO, contributing to a 15% oversubscription.

Awarded “Analyst of the Year” in 2022 for excellence in deal execution and client satisfaction.

Successfully reduced operational costs by 10% through the implementation of a new financial reporting system.

5. Qualifications and Certifications

List any relevant qualifications and certifications that set you apart. This might include degrees, professional certifications, and specialized training.

Important qualifications for Investment Banking Analysts:

Educational degrees: Typically, a bachelor’s degree in finance, economics, or a related field. Advanced degrees (e.g., MBA) are advantageous.

Certifications: CFA, CPA, or other relevant financial certifications.

Specialized training: Courses or certifications in financial modeling, data analysis, or investment strategies.


Bachelor of Science in Finance, [University Name], [Year]

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level II Candidate

Certificate in Advanced Financial Modeling, [Institution Name], [Year]

6. Education

Your educational background should support your professional credentials. Include your degree(s), institution(s), and graduation year(s).

Example: Bachelor of Science in Finance
University of [Name], [Location] — [Year]

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
University of [Name], [Location] — [Year]

7. Hobbies and Interests

While not a critical section, including hobbies and interests can give a personal touch to your CV and showcase well-roundedness.

Tips for listing hobbies:

Be selective: Choose hobbies that reflect traits or skills valuable to the role, such as leadership, teamwork, or analytical thinking.

Keep it brief: List a few activities and avoid generic or irrelevant interests.


Avid runner and marathon participant, demonstrating endurance and dedication.

Active member of a local investment club, staying current with market trends.

Passionate about chess, enhancing strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.

General CV Writing Advice

Tailoring Your CV

Customize for each application: Tailor your CV to the specific job description and company.

Use keywords: Integrate industry-specific keywords to pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Be concise: Stick to a 1-2 page format unless you have extensive experience.

Presentation and Formatting

Clear layout: Use a clean, professional design with distinct sections and bullet points.

Consistent font: Maintain a consistent font style and size throughout.

Professional tone: Keep language formal and professional.

Proofreading and Feedback

Double-check for errors: Ensure there are no typos, grammatical mistakes, or factual inaccuracies.

Seek feedback: Have a mentor, colleague, or professional CV writer review your CV.

The Value of Expert CV Writers

Creating a standout Investment Banking Analyst CV can be daunting. Professional CV writers bring valuable expertise, ensuring your CV is not only well-written but also strategically aligned with what recruiters and employers are looking for.

Benefits of Working with Expert CV Writers:

Save Time: Writing a CV can be time-consuming. Let professionals handle the process so you can focus on your career.

Excellent Writing Skills: Expert writers craft compelling narratives that showcase your strengths and achievements effectively.

Industry Insight: They understand what recruiters in investment banking look for, from keywords to formatting preferences.

Ready to make your CV stand out? Book an appointment with expert CV writers at CVLondon today and take the next step towards your dream job.


Crafting an exceptional Investment Banking Analyst CV requires a strategic approach, attention to detail, and a clear presentation of your skills and experiences. By following this guide, you can create a compelling CV that captures the attention of recruiters and sets you on the path to success. And remember, enlisting the help of professional CV writers can elevate your application, providing the polish and precision needed to make a lasting impression.

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