Operations Manager CV Example

Creating a CV that stands out in the competitive world of operations management is crucial for landing your dream job. An effective CV not only highlights your skills and experiences but also showcases your value to potential employers. This guide will walk you through the process of crafting a compelling Operations Manager CV, with insights into each essential section and general CV writing tips to ensure your CV catches the attention of recruiters.

1. Start with a Professional Personal Profile

Your personal profile, also known as a summary or objective statement, is the first thing recruiters will read. This brief section should provide a snapshot of who you are as a professional and what you bring to the table. For an Operations Manager CV, focus on your leadership abilities, operational expertise, and achievements that demonstrate your impact.


Experienced Operations Manager with over 10 years of expertise in streamlining processes and enhancing productivity within fast-paced environments. Adept at leading cross-functional teams and driving operational excellence through innovative strategies and continuous improvement initiatives. Proven track record in reducing costs, improving efficiency, and achieving top-tier customer satisfaction.


Be Concise: Aim for 3-4 sentences that summarize your professional identity and key strengths.

Highlight Achievements: Mention specific accomplishments that reflect your value.

Tailor It: Customize your profile to align with the job you’re applying for.

2. Highlight Key Skills

In this section, list the core skills that make you an effective Operations Manager. Use bullet points to make it easy for recruiters to scan your skills quickly.


Strategic Planning

Process Optimization

Team Leadership

Budget Management

Lean Manufacturing

Project Management

Supply Chain Management

Data Analysis and Reporting

Risk Management


Match Job Descriptions: Look at the skills mentioned in job listings and reflect those in your CV.

Use Keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Be Specific: Include both hard and soft skills relevant to the role.

3. Craft a Detailed Chronological History

Your employment history is crucial in demonstrating your experience and growth as an Operations Manager. List your jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position.


Operations Manager
XYZ Corporation, London
January 2018 – Present

Led a team of 50 in daily operations, improving productivity by 20% through process enhancements.

Implemented a cost-reduction strategy, saving the company $500,000 annually.

Managed a $10 million budget, ensuring financial efficiency and resource allocation.

Coordinated with cross-functional teams to streamline supply chain operations, reducing delivery times by 15%.

Assistant Operations Manager
ABC Ltd., London
June 2014 – December 2017

Assisted in overseeing daily operations and implementing quality improvement initiatives.

Developed training programs for staff, resulting in a 30% increase in overall performance metrics.

Supported the development and execution of operational strategies to enhance business growth.


Use Action Verbs: Start each bullet point with a strong action verb like “led,” “managed,” or “coordinated.”

Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, include numbers to quantify your accomplishments.

Be Relevant: Focus on experiences and achievements most relevant to the Operations Manager role.

4. Showcase Key Achievements

Create a separate section to highlight your most significant achievements. This allows you to bring attention to your impact without getting lost in job descriptions.


Reduced operational costs by 25% through the implementation of lean management techniques.

Achieved a 98% customer satisfaction rate by leading a comprehensive customer service training program.

Increased production efficiency by 30% by revamping the supply chain process.


Be Specific: Detail what you did and the results achieved.

Focus on Impact: Choose achievements that had a significant positive impact on the organization.

Relate to the Role: Ensure the achievements are relevant to the position you’re applying for.

5. List Your Qualifications

Detail your professional qualifications that add value to your Operations Manager profile. This might include certifications, memberships in professional bodies, or specific training relevant to operations management.


Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB)

Project Management Professional (PMP)

Member of the Institute of Operations Management (IOM)

Lean Manufacturing Certification


Include Relevant Certifications: Highlight certifications that are commonly sought after in operations management.

Mention Professional Affiliations: Include memberships in relevant industry organizations.

Keep It Updated: Ensure all your qualifications are current and relevant.

6. Provide Educational Background

Your educational history should support your qualifications and experience. List your degrees, institutions, and graduation dates.


Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
University of London, London
Graduated: June 2012


List in Reverse Order: Start with your highest or most recent qualification.

Include Relevant Coursework: If applicable, mention coursework that relates to operations management.

Be Concise: Keep it brief and to the point.

7. Include Hobbies and Interests

While this section is optional, including your hobbies and interests can provide a more rounded picture of you as a person. Choose hobbies that reflect skills or attributes valuable in operations management, such as team sports or strategic games.


Long-Distance Running: Enhances endurance and perseverance.

Chess: Sharpens strategic thinking and planning skills.

Volunteer Work: Demonstrates leadership and community involvement.


Be Selective: Only include hobbies that reflect positively on you professionally.

Show Personality: Choose interests that highlight desirable traits or skills.

General CV Writing Advice

Tailor Your CV: Customize your CV for each job application to align with the job requirements.

Use a Clean Layout: Keep the design professional with clear headings and consistent formatting.

Proofread: Ensure your CV is free of spelling and grammar errors.

Keep It Updated: Regularly update your CV with new skills, experiences, and achievements.

Be Honest: Never exaggerate your qualifications or experiences.

Final Thoughts

Creating a standout Operations Manager CV is about presenting your experience, skills, and achievements in a way that clearly communicates your value to potential employers. While this guide provides a comprehensive approach, having a professional CV writer can elevate your CV to the next level. Expert CV writers can save you time, bring out your best qualities, and ensure your CV meets the latest industry standards. Don’t leave your career to chance; book an appointment with the expert CV writers at CVLondon today to craft a CV that truly shines.

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