SEN Teaching Assistant CV Example

In the competitive world of education, having a standout CV is crucial for landing your dream job as a Special Educational Needs (SEN) Teaching Assistant. A well-crafted CV not only highlights your qualifications and experiences but also sets you apart from other candidates, showcasing your dedication and suitability for working with children with special needs. Whether you’re starting your career or seeking a new opportunity, a compelling CV can open doors to rewarding roles where you can make a significant impact.

Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your SEN Teaching Assistant CV

1. Personal Profile

Your personal profile, also known as a summary or objective, is the first impression you make on potential employers. This section should be a concise paragraph (3-4 sentences) that captures who you are, what you bring to the table, and your career goals.

Tips for a Great Personal Profile:

Be Specific: Highlight your passion for working with children with special needs and your commitment to their development.

Showcase Experience: Mention your relevant experience in the educational field, particularly any roles involving SEN.

Personalize It: Tailor this section to reflect the specific needs of the role you are applying for.

Example (Avoid Copying): “A dedicated SEN Teaching Assistant with over 5 years of experience supporting children with diverse learning needs. Proven ability to adapt teaching strategies to meet individual student requirements, fostering a nurturing and inclusive learning environment. Seeking to leverage my expertise and passion to contribute to [School Name]’s mission of providing exceptional education for all students.”

2. Key Skills

This section should provide a snapshot of your competencies and strengths that are directly relevant to the SEN Teaching Assistant role. Focus on skills that demonstrate your capability to support children with special educational needs effectively.

Essential Skills to Include:

Communication Skills: Ability to effectively communicate with students, parents, and colleagues.

Patience and Empathy: Understanding the unique challenges faced by SEN students.

Behavior Management: Techniques for managing challenging behaviors in a supportive manner.

Adaptability: Flexibility in adapting teaching methods to cater to individual needs.

Team Collaboration: Working effectively with teachers, therapists, and other educational professionals.

Formatting Tip: List your skills in bullet points for easy readability.

3. Chronological Employment History

Your employment history should be presented in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. This section should detail your job roles, responsibilities, and the impact you had in each position.

Key Points to Cover:

Job Title and Employer: Clearly state your job title and the name of the school or organization.

Dates of Employment: Include the month and year for the start and end of each position.

Responsibilities: Focus on duties that are relevant to the SEN Teaching Assistant role.

Achievements: Highlight specific accomplishments that showcase your contributions and successes.

Example Structure: SEN Teaching Assistant
ABC Primary School, London
January 2020 – Present

Assisted in the development and implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

Supported classroom teachers in managing and delivering tailored educational activities.

Worked one-on-one with students to address their specific learning and behavioral needs.

Fostered a positive and inclusive classroom environment.

4. Key Achievements

In this section, focus on your most significant achievements, particularly those that demonstrate your effectiveness in supporting SEN students. This could include successful projects, recognitions, or measurable improvements in student performance.

Examples of Key Achievements:

Successfully helped improve a student’s reading level by two grades within one academic year.

Received commendation for outstanding support during the school’s Ofsted inspection.

Developed and implemented a sensory-friendly classroom environment that significantly reduced student anxiety.

Tips for Highlighting Achievements:

Be Quantifiable: Whenever possible, include numbers or statistics to show measurable impact.

Be Specific: Describe the actions you took and the outcomes achieved.

5. Qualifications and Education

This section should list your educational background and any relevant qualifications. For SEN Teaching Assistants, specific certifications in SEN education can be particularly advantageous.

What to Include:

Degrees and Diplomas: Mention your highest level of education first, including the degree, institution, and graduation date.

Relevant Certifications: Include certifications such as SEN Teaching Assistant qualifications, First Aid, or any training related to special education.

Professional Development: List any workshops, courses, or seminars attended that enhance your skills in SEN.

Example Format: Diploma in Special Education Needs (SEN)
University of XYZ, 2019

Certified First Aid and CPR
Red Cross, 2021

6. Hobbies and Interests

While not essential, including a section on hobbies and interests can provide employers with insight into your personality and how you might fit into the school culture. Choose hobbies that reflect positive traits or skills relevant to the role.

Suggested Hobbies to Mention:

Volunteering: Experience in community service, especially with children or education-related activities.

Creative Pursuits: Activities like arts, crafts, or music which may enhance your ability to engage with students.

Personal Development: Hobbies that indicate a commitment to lifelong learning or personal growth.

General CV Writing Advice

Keep It Professional:

Use a clean, professional format with clear headings and bullet points.

Stick to a font size between 10-12 points and a professional font like Arial or Times New Roman.

Tailor Your CV:

Customize your CV for each job application, aligning your experience and skills with the job description.

Use keywords from the job listing to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Be Concise:

Aim to keep your CV to two pages in length.

Focus on the most relevant and recent information.

Proofread Thoroughly:

Check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Consider having a friend or professional review your CV for clarity and accuracy.

Update Regularly:

Keep your CV current by adding new experiences and skills as you acquire them.


Crafting a standout SEN Teaching Assistant CV requires a careful balance of showcasing your skills, experience, and passion for supporting children with special educational needs. By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a compelling CV that highlights your unique qualifications and sets you apart from other candidates.

However, if you find the process overwhelming or want to ensure your CV truly shines, consider seeking help from professional CV writers. Expert CV writers can save you time and provide valuable insights into what recruiters and employers are looking for, helping you present your qualifications in the best possible light. Don’t hesitate to book an appointment with the experts at CVLondon today to take your CV to the next level and advance your career as an SEN Teaching Assistant.

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