There is nothing difficult in drafting an effective resume. In most cases, it is enough just to get rid of unnecessary information, but there are other important points.
The CV should correspond to that specialization in which you want to develop at the moment. For example, if you are looking for a job in sales, then you should not focus on your experience as a system administrator. First of all, indicate the last position of the current area for you.
The list of personal traits such as “purposeful”, “responsible”, “punctual”, etc. is not taken seriously by the employer. This is too abstract and patterned. Strengthen this part of the resume can be due to the list of your publications in the press, for example, or other personal achievements that can be explored.
Refine your language skills. Thanks to this, you will show your professionalism or save both recruiter time and your own if you do not initially fit in this parameter.
The CV should exactly match the position you are applying for. If you can work as a system administrator and programmer, and it does not matter to you which of these specialties work, then it is better to create two different resumes, rather than writing in the heading “system administrator, programmer”.
The CV should contain keywords on which it can be easily found. They must exactly match the scope of your activity and the position you are counting on. For example: “food”, “1C programmer”, “sales”, etc.
Describe professional achievements with the help of numbers and facts. By what percentage did you manage to increase sales? How many projects have you completed successfully? Similar figures will allow you to stand out among other applicants.
When sending a CV directly to the employer, do not use file formats that require additional effort or software to view.
If you decide to attach a photo to your CV, take your choice very carefully. Home photos, pictures from a holiday or New Year’s corporate party leave in your personal archive.
When reviewing a large number of CVs, the personnel manager is more likely to take a closer look at well-structured resumes. Separate it into semantic parts, use lists, a summary should be informative, but at the same time brief. Remember that your resume should be comfortable to work with.
Always check your CV for errors and inaccuracies. Put yourself in the place of a HR manager, make sure that the resume is logical, easy to read, does not contain too much information and can answer the question “Why is this candidate suitable for a vacancy?”.