To get a job you need not only a diploma, experience and only professional skills, but also the so-called emotional intelligence.
There is a big difference between an employee who can do work and an employee who can do work well. It’s all about non-professional skills that include emotional intelligence: leadership, the culture of written and oral communication, motivation, the ability to quickly solve problems, the ability to get along with people, etc. We are not directly taught these skills at school or university, we acquire and develop them ourselves. Such features make us more attractive to employers as well. Not many can recognize this, but non-professional skills play an important role in the employment process.
Many employers understand that it is much easier to teach an employee to use software, for example, than to change his emotional intelligence.
Listening skills
It is unlikely that someone wants to work with those who do not know how to listen. No matter how talented you are, if you cannot follow the instructions given to you. Start with an interview: take with you all the necessary documents that the recruiter called, fill out all the necessary papers, listen carefully so as not to ask again. Check yourself easily: after any conversation, try to repeat all the details of the conversation. If it is difficult to remember everything – make notes in a notebook. If at work you will not carry out some of the nuances, because you consider them optional, then you may get the impression that you simply did not listen to the interlocutor. Therefore, take it seriously, to all the details, and if you do not agree with something, then it is better to simply discuss it.
Ability to adapt
No one likes change, especially in work processes. But today it is necessary to be flexible and be able to adapt to situations and a constantly changing environment, and not to be the first to complain about the change of a plan or strategy.
It is difficult to find a job description, which will not talk about the ability to work in a team. It is possible to develop this skill outside of work, for example, carrying out a project together with someone as a hobby, participating in social events, etc.
Work ethic
Your reputation is very important when it comes to work. What do others say about you? Can you drop the case without finishing it? Are you taking the initiative, even if it is not your responsibility? All this speaks of you as a person and employee, and all this determines the level of your work etiquette and the degree of responsibility.
This skill is also often found in the description of vacancy announcements. Some use it without thinking about the real significance, but simply as a template. However, the ability to communicate can be considered the foundation of emotional intelligence. And the employer pays attention to this first of all: how you talk on the phone, how convincing your presentation or email is. Practice in front of a mirror, prepare answers to common questions, try to speak briefly and to the point. Remember, good communication skills are useful not only in work, and this is a necessary skill for everyone.