Best Interview Tips for Introverts on How To Make a Good First Impression

Job search is a difficult period for all types of personalities, and for the applicant-introvert, especially. After all, it is necessary to establish new contacts, to attend interviews and to engage in self-presentation. According to research, introverts are the most effective leaders. But in order to take a top position in the company, you must first get a job in it. For many people, it seems that the main thing in an interview is charisma and pressure, which are somehow lacking in introverts.

Speak not about yourself, but about the achievements and results of your previous work

It is difficult for introverts to talk about oneself. Instead, you may talk about your work, the projects that you completed, the ideas that you have developed, the goals you have achieved – that’s the information you need for the employer.

Do not be afraid to pause to gather your thoughts

Introverts can silently sit alone in an hour, plunging into their thoughts. Of course, it is not worth taking a seat on an interview, but nobody will mind if you think a little before answering. The interviewer does not expect you to crack without interruption. Silence may seem embarrassing, but if you give a thoughtful answer, you will win.

Listen carefully to the questions being asked

Ability to listen is a great skill to work in a team. And, as a rule, introverts cope with it better than extrovert. They effectively find a common language with dissatisfied clients or colleagues. Instead of trying to solve the problem immediately, they collect all available information and only then look for the best way out of the situation. Listen to the interviewer. Ask for clarification questions. The more your interview will look like a friendly conversation, the better it is.

Come with some creative ideas

Numerous studies show that while extroverts are promoting their ideas, introverts focus on other people, they are accustomed to analyzing others’ ideas, offering feedback and organizing what others have conceived.

Your analysis skills are your key advantage.

Use these abilities. Find a couple of useful skills that apply from day one to new places and think about how to talk about them in an interview. Suggest that you do a test job or voice specific ideas that may have arisen when you have studied the company you want to work with.

Introverts are not afraid to admit mistakes and tend to downplay their own achievements. Therefore, they are excellent team players. Nothing kills the fighting spirit of the team faster than the participant who does not recognize the error, not trusting others and not believing in the result.

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