Financial Manager CV Example

Creating a compelling CV as a Financial Manager is crucial to landing your dream job. Financial Managers are responsible for the financial health of an organization, requiring a blend of analytical prowess, leadership skills, and meticulous attention to detail. A well-structured CV that highlights these attributes can set you apart from other candidates. This guide will walk you through each essential section of a Financial Manager CV and provide tips to make each part shine.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Financial Manager CV

1. Personal Profile: Your Professional Snapshot

Your personal profile is the first section recruiters will read, so it must be impactful. Think of it as your elevator pitch – a succinct summary of your professional identity, your core competencies, and your career goals.

Tips for an Effective Personal Profile:

Keep it concise: Limit your profile to 3-4 sentences.

Highlight key strengths: Emphasize your experience in financial management, strategic planning, and risk assessment.

Showcase your value: Mention how your skills and experiences align with the job you’re applying for.

Use specific examples: Include quantifiable achievements or key contributions to previous roles.

Example: “Results-driven Financial Manager with over 10 years of experience in financial planning, budget management, and risk analysis. Proven track record in enhancing operational efficiency and profitability. Adept at leveraging data-driven strategies to optimize financial performance. Seeking to bring my expertise to a dynamic team dedicated to strategic growth and fiscal excellence.”

2. Key Skills: Your Core Competencies

The skills section is your opportunity to list the technical and soft skills that make you a strong candidate for a Financial Manager role. This section should be tailored to match the job description while also showcasing your unique strengths.

Key Skills to Include:

Financial analysis and forecasting

Budgeting and cost control

Risk management and mitigation

Financial reporting and compliance

Leadership and team management

Strategic financial planning

Proficiency in financial software (e.g., SAP, QuickBooks, Excel)

Communication and stakeholder management

3. Chronological Work History: Your Career Journey

The work history section should present your professional experience in reverse chronological order. Highlight your achievements and responsibilities in each role, focusing on those that align with the Financial Manager position you’re targeting.

Tips for an Impressive Work History Section:

Use bullet points for clarity: Make it easy for recruiters to scan through your roles and achievements.

Quantify your impact: Use numbers and percentages to demonstrate the outcomes of your efforts (e.g., “Reduced operational costs by 15% through efficient budget management”).

Highlight relevant experience: Focus on roles and responsibilities that showcase your financial management capabilities.


Financial Manager, ABC Corporation January 2018 – Present

Managed a $50M annual budget, ensuring optimal allocation of resources and cost control.

Implemented new financial reporting systems, reducing reporting time by 30%.

Led a team of 5 finance professionals in executing strategic financial plans, resulting in a 20% increase in profitability.

Senior Financial Analyst, XYZ Ltd. June 2014 – December 2017

Conducted in-depth financial analysis to support decision-making processes for senior management.

Developed comprehensive forecasts and budgets, achieving a 10% reduction in forecasting errors.

Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline financial processes, enhancing operational efficiency.

4. Key Achievements: Your Career Highlights

This section is dedicated to spotlighting your most significant professional accomplishments. Choose 3-5 achievements that are directly relevant to the Financial Manager role.

How to Showcase Key Achievements:

Be specific and measurable: Clearly state what you accomplished and how it benefited the organization.

Relate to job requirements: Ensure your achievements align with the skills and responsibilities listed in the job description.


Successfully led the financial integration during a major merger, resulting in $2M in annual savings.

Spearheaded the implementation of a new accounting system, improving financial reporting accuracy by 25%.

Negotiated favorable terms in a $10M financing deal, reducing overall interest expenses by 5%.

5. Qualifications: Your Credentials and Certifications

Your qualifications section should list your educational background and any relevant certifications. This is particularly important for Financial Managers, as certain roles may require specific qualifications or professional accreditations.

Key Points for Qualifications:

Include relevant degrees: Mention your highest level of education first, especially if it’s in finance, accounting, or business administration.

List certifications: Include certifications such as CPA (Certified Public Accountant), CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), or ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).

Mention ongoing education: Highlight any current courses or training that add value to your profile.


MBA in Finance, University of London, 2010

Certified Public Accountant (CPA), American Institute of CPAs, 2012

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), CFA Institute, 2015

6. Education: Your Academic Background

The education section should complement your qualifications. While your highest degree is typically the focus, any additional courses or training relevant to financial management can also be included.

Tips for the Education Section:

List degrees in reverse chronological order.

Include relevant coursework if it directly applies to the Financial Manager role.

Mention honors or awards to showcase academic excellence.


Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance, University of London, 2010

Relevant Coursework: Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, Strategic Management

Bachelor of Science in Accounting, University of Manchester, 2007

Graduated with Honors

7. Hobbies and Interests: Adding a Personal Touch

While not mandatory, including hobbies and interests can give a glimpse into your personality and how you might fit into the company culture. Select hobbies that reflect your skills or traits relevant to the role.

Ideas for Hobbies Section:

Reading financial literature: Shows your ongoing interest in the field.

Participating in marathons or team sports: Demonstrates perseverance and teamwork.

Volunteering in community financial education programs: Highlights your commitment to sharing your expertise.


Avid reader of economic journals and financial publications.

Marathon runner and active participant in local charity runs.

Volunteer financial advisor for a community non-profit organization.

General CV Writing Advice for Financial Managers

1. Tailor Your CV for Each Job Application

Customize your CV for each application by aligning your skills and experiences with the specific requirements of the job. Use keywords from the job description to ensure your CV passes through applicant tracking systems (ATS).

2. Keep It Professional and Concise

A Financial Manager CV should be no longer than two pages. Use professional language, and avoid unnecessary jargon. Ensure your CV is well-organized with clearly defined sections.

3. Proofread and Edit Thoroughly

Attention to detail is crucial for financial roles. Proofread your CV for grammar and spelling errors. Consider having a colleague review it for an additional perspective.

4. Use a Clean, Modern Design

A clean and modern CV design enhances readability. Use bullet points, consistent font styles, and adequate spacing. Avoid using overly bright colors or complex graphics.

5. Highlight Relevant Experience

Focus on your most relevant experiences and achievements. Use strong action verbs and quantifiable results to convey your impact.

6. Include Up-to-Date Contact Information

Ensure your contact information is current and easy to find. Include a professional email address and a LinkedIn profile if available.

7. Showcase Your Professional Development

Highlight any continuing education, professional development, or training that enhances your qualifications for the role.

The Importance of Expert CV Writing

Writing a CV can be a daunting task, but you don’t have to do it alone. An expert CV writer can save you time and enhance your CV by bringing their professional writing skills and industry knowledge to the table. They understand what recruiters and employers are looking for and can help you craft a CV that stands out in a competitive market.

Investing in a professionally written CV can significantly increase your chances of landing interviews and advancing your career. To make the most of your job search, consider booking an appointment with the expert CV writers at CVLondon. Their expertise in crafting tailored, high-impact CVs will help you present your best self to potential employers.

By following this guide and utilizing professional CV writing services, you can create a compelling Financial Manager CV that captures your strengths and sets you on the path to success. Don’t wait to take the next step in your career – start crafting your standout CV today!

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