In all honesty, the perfect CV simply does not exist, but it’s a good idea to give it your best shot in creating a well-written CV that is certainly going to increase your chances of putting your best foot forward and hopefully landing yourself some interview opportunities and potentially a really great career.
It is enough to remember that employers get hundreds of CVs, and most of them are dreary, very similar in nature and downright boring to read. Therefore, it is better to write about yourself in a simple but captivating and engaging manner, without deviations that seem far away from reality. It is important to be sincere and to remember keep your CV relevant to role that you are applying for.
A brief and comprehensive indication of your career specialty and subject matter expertise that is a line that will tell you everything you need to know about the employer. Do not write about the fact that you are a “magic creator and leader in. demand”, just specify: “I am a PR specialist with over 15 years of global experience, who promotes new products services using pioneering online digital marketing strategies”, for example.
Tell a potential company about how you will add value to them. Do not overload your CV with a list of duties and responsibilities. Employers love to see results that help indicate that you add value. So be sure to try and add facts and figures to your key achievements to clearly demonstrate significant value. It does not solely mean you can add numbers and data, perhaps you’ve helped to create robust systems and processes too, which in turn has helped to enhance business productivity. Be clear to specify in your CV two or three methods that you can use to achieve goals and objectives, these words will attract the attention of HR-manager. Have you written that you help to find clients and build business, improved systems, developed processes etc., be sure to add this to your CV content.
With there being millions of job seekers at any one time, it’s really important to keep your CV to two pages if at all possible. In this day and age, the attention span of people has shortened incredibly due to online consumption and social media. So, having a two-page CV that is well-written and formatted is key.
To ensure that you can write a good CV, focus on the following areas; Name, Address, Contact Details, Personal Profile, Key Skills, Employment History with Achievements, Education / Awards, and Hobbies.