How to Confidently Sell Yourself in a Job Interview

Why are the searches of work remaining profitless? Which steps should be taken so as to show during the job interview that you are exactly the one who will raise the company at higher level? Actually, everything you need to do is to avoid these nine mistakes.

The most typical mistakes

Your CV and cover letter are too overwhelmed with information. In other words, the information about you is perceived hard, which leads to the formation of a negative opinion about you

Your CV and cover letter are deprived of any personality, the information in them is too generalized.

Your cover letter and CV sound uncertain and unconvincing.

In the cover letter, you are paying more attention to the fact that you can give a new post, and a potential employer is waiting for the reverse.

In your CV, you present yourself as a professional, as a person who knows almost everything. Praise yourself is not worth it.

In the CV in the paragraph on the desired wage, you place too high demands. It is better to discuss this question directly in the course of personal communication.

During the interview you put forward somewhat overestimated requirements regarding working conditions.

During an interview while answering the question about your weaknesses, you immediately begin to talk about all your weaknesses, bad habits.

You turn an interview into a monologue, you yourself do not allow anyone to insert a word or just listen to the employer and do not ask questions. And in both cases interviewing can be considered a complete failure. You are unlikely to be invited to work.

Don’t be afraid of asking questions!

You can feel the atmosphere and psychological situation of the future work place, only by visiting yourself there. In the company you will be able to answer questions about different subtleties. For example, what kind of organization management style and interaction between employees, whether it is necessary to address to the management and colleagues by name-patronymic, how holidays are held.

A list of questions about the tasks, goals of the company, that it can give the employee should be made. Such information can be provided both by the recruitment agency and the representative of the company in which you want to work. The employer’s desire is to find a person who would stay for a long time. Therefore, a good company is interested in telling you about as much as possible.


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