Actually, we at CVLondon have discovered that there are ten atrocious mistakes that occur in the majority of all the CVs that are sent to employers, and here they are:
1. Grammatical errors and typos,
2. Incorrect or missing contact information,
3. Use of unprofessional e-mail addresses (like,
4. Outdated or irrelevant information and content,
5. Failure to demonstrate or describe the key achievements of the work you have done,
6. Annoying words or intentionally inserted keywords to improve search results,
7. Creating too much of a general summary, and not taking into account the specificity of the job description,
8. Use of words or phrases that are repeated in a variety of CVs by others,
9. Adding inappropriate or poor-quality photos, some countries do accepts photos and some do not.
10. Exaggerated formatting or template design, when it’s not needed, using whimsical fonts to graphics.
It’s always very important to look at the job description of a role that you want to apply for. Have a look at the list of skills and the experience that they are looking for. Ensure that the skills listed in the job description are also listed on your CV, but only include the skills that you have actually have acquired, don’t lie, be true to yourself and be honest. If you make any false claims, be sure that at some point you will be found out, so don’t do it. Just be sure to only talk about the skills you have.
Despite the fact that in many professions and areas there are similar basic requirements for candidates, many employers still require specific skills, experience and deep knowledge of their subject matter in order to seriously consider you as a candidate. It is possible to change a career, if you have the necessary transferable skills and knowledge. But if time does not wait and work is needed as soon as possible, then focus on the areas with which you are best acquainted to.
Make sure there you double or even treble-check your CV, before you send it on to an employer, it’s so important to ensure that all the bases are completely covered to give you best first impression, this will ensure that you have a good CV for 2020.