The concept of “portfolio” is firmly entrenched in the vocabulary of many specialists. But not everyone fully understands its true meaning and value. What is it like, what should it look like and what professions are suitable for?
What is it?
A portfolio is a collection of works, projects, and achievements in the entire history of work in a particular area. It is worth noting that this is a collection of the best works that will allow to evaluate the professionalism and skills of a person, and not a list of everything in a row.
Who needs it?
Photographers, designers, artists, architects, stylists and fashion designers are the main professions that need a portfolio. It is important for the specialists of these professions not only to show their best works, but also to provide samples of works or sketches. The most common and convenient way to provide a portfolio is the Internet. Small sites are created that contain information about a person and examples of his work. Thanks to this, the employer can evaluate the specialist remotely and decide to invite him for an interview. also recommends having a paper version of the portfolio – it can be given to the interviewer so that this information is always at his fingertips, moreover, this will allow him to show your work to colleagues or management in a convenient form and in any place.
Who else can it come in handy for?
In addition to the professions listed above, which you must have a portfolio, there are others who do not need it, but it can increase the chances of finding a job and moving up the career ladder. These professions include programmers, copywriters, journalists, marketers, lawyers, lawyers, and even teachers. Programmers may include in the portfolio, programs and applications written by them, websites, examples of program code that solve difficult problems. Copywriters and journalists have the best articles and publications. Lawyers and attorneys are examples of complex issues and cases that they have successfully handled. Teachers can provide information on student performance improvement at previous workplaces, research results, or developed teaching methodologies.
In fact, a portfolio can be made for almost any profession. In essence, its simplest form is a resume, which is provided with a list of the candidate’s achievements at previous jobs in the “additional information” section or in its main part. In addition to a brief summary, you can create an extended document with key achievements and success examples. In conditions of high competition in the labor market, such a document will certainly play into your hands, and allow the employer to appreciate your candidacy.