Why are employers looking for information about employees or candidates in social networks and blogs? Can this information increase your chances of finding a job or set up an employer against you?
Social networks are used to obtain additional information about the qualifications of the employee and provide informal information about him. But this does not mean that the leadership of a small organization will not look at your profile in one of the social networks.
However, the search for people in social networks may have another purpose. Many people point out on their pages work experience, positions, professional interests, write notes about labor activity. Therefore, social networks can be considered as additional sites for finding employees. This is a good reason to keep your profiles “tidy.” After all, without waiting for it, you can get into the field of view of the employer.
Moral issues
Most candidates consider such a method of evaluation as incorrect, and dissatisfied with the invasion of personal space. It can be understood, few people will like that the employer will study their personal information, photos, videos, analyze hobbies and opinions. On the other hand, this information is laid out voluntarily in open access.
It should be borne in mind that the decision regarding the candidate is unlikely to be made on the basis of only one profile on the social network. Everything works in the aggregate. And most likely information about the candidate from the Internet will only confirm a positive impression after the interview.
For information on the Internet not to work against you, but you remain yourself, you just need the right approach. Try not to speak out publicly about the former or current employer, do not give names, and, of course, it is better to avoid direct insults and criticism, respect trade secrets.
Professional publications, thematic comments, communication in specialized circles and such activity will certainly increase your chances of employment.
Especially Internet profiles work well for people of creative professions: photographers, illustrators, designers, etc.
Of course, not every employer will study your pages on social networks. And everyone decides for himself what is more important – freedom of expression or image. But do not forget about the importance of the information that you post on the universal consideration.
Information obtained from the Internet can complement the opinion of a person as a specialist and a person who will fit in or not fit into the team, fit or not fit for their tasks. In any case, do not be upset if you are refused to work because of some video with your participation, which was filmed at a recent bachelor party. So you would not take root in this place, but only got an unpleasant experience.