Think about what your experience really can be an enormous advantage in this job position, in the company or sphere of activity. Consider what you can rely on, particularly, on your expertise, experience, knowledge, the ability to find a common language with people, flexibility, communication skills and so on.
“Why do you think that you will succeed in this position?”
What the employer really wants to know by asking this question:
What is your self-esteem – do you see your strengths?
What are your ambitions and whether it relates to the position you are considering;
How do you bring arguments and communicate your position (especially if there are presentations, negotiations, sales on this position);
How much do you believe in yourself and are confident in yourself;
Do you really want to take this position?
What is not worth answering such questions:
I am no better than the other candidates, the choice is yours.
I find it difficult to say if I can succeed in this position.
I will deal with about 3-6 months and only then will I answer this question.
Probably the candidate who was before me suits you more.
What should be considered when answering this question?
Pay attention to your personal qualities, strengths and additional information about yourself that you have written in the CV.
Have you already had interviews at the final stages?
What the employer really wants to know by asking this question:
How actively are you looking for work and how long is there to make a decision on the part of the employer;
How open and willing to talk about other interviews;
If you name the company / sphere of activity – the employer will pay attention to what vacancies you are considering and in what areas are looking for work.
That is not worth answering such questions
I will not tell you that.
No, no one ever calls me back after the interview.
No, I have not been employed anywhere for a long time.
What should be considered when answering this question
It is important to understand that the question is not entirely aimed at knowing what and where you are considering. The main goal is to understand the timing of the decision – if you want to choose a job tomorrow, and in this company, the interviewing sessions will take another 1-2 weeks, then it’s important to talk.
Also, for an employer, it may be important how active you are looking for a job, how important it is to you now and how you approach the job search process. Tell the truth – you are actively looking for a job or you are still working in a company and at the same time looking for work.